Sunday, April 12, 2015

Benefits of Oil of Oregano

I have known for a long time that Oregano Oil is good for you but it wasn't until recently I found out how good it is for you!  This oil is AMAZING!!  We are prescribed antibiotics for an array of different illnesses.  Usually a broad spectrum antibiotic.  The problem with over use of antibiotics is that is causes antibiotic resistance, destroying good bacteria, reducing vitamin absorption and it damages the digestive lining.   
Oregano Oil has NO SIDE EFFECTS!  Oregano oil contains two very powerful compounds; carvacrol and thymol.  They are powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Carvacrol, the predominant healing compound in Oregano, has been proven to reverse or reduce bacterial infection, fungal infection, parasites, viruses, inflammation, candida, allergies and tumors.  There are over 800 studies in PubMed on the healing powers of Carvacrol!  That's amazing!!  But that's not all.  Oil of Oregano has also been proven to treat bronchitis, gingivitis, ringworm,  athletes foot, yeast infections, UTI's,  toenail fungus and so much more!
I am sold on this amazing. healing oil and I hope you will give it a try the next time you are faced with a viral or fungal infection.  God's pharmacy is full of 100% natural treatments that don't have all those nasty side effects of synthetic treatments. 
As always use caution when using this and any other Essential Oil.  Because they are very potent. You should always read the label and do your own research.  Consult your healthcare provider if you are pregnant.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Essential Oils vs Pharmaceuticals

In America we grow up with antibiotics, steroids, Tylenol and many regularly prescribed medicines and really don't give them a second thought before taking them.  Over 40% of us don't even read the label.  We just trust that they are safe for us to take because we can buy them legally.  But what if I told you over 100,000 deaths occur in the US every year from properly prescribed and properly taken pharmaceutical drugs?  Would that get your attention?

Our bodies are not able to properly metabolize the unnatural substances made by man in a laboratory.  That's why even decades later you can find traces of prescription medicines in your body.  What if there was a way to bring about natural healing without  the side effect of pharmaceutical drugs?  What if you could be in control of your health and wellness with a natural substance without ANY side effects? Would you be interested?  I'm talking about Essential Oils.  Specifically Young Living Essential Oils.

First let me explain the difference between how pharmaceutical drugs work and how essential oils work.  The pharmaceuticals toxify; The unnatural molecules of man-made drugs attach themselves to various tissues, disrupting normal function trying to figure out what to do with them, wreaking havoc with our bodily functions and our minds.  Have you ever listened to the side effects disclaimer on a TV ad for a prescription medicine?  Scary isn't it? 

On the other hand essential oils detoxify our body.  They are a natural substance and are easily metabolized by the body.  Essential oils address the causes of disease at the cellular level by deleting misinformation and reprogramming correct information so that cells function properly and in harmony with one another.   

PHARMACEUTICALS                                              ESSENTIAL OILS
Toxify                                                                          Detoxify
Unbalancing                                                                Balancing
Clog & confuse receptor sites                                     Clean receptor sites
Depress the immune system                                        Strengthen the immune system
Adverse side effects                                                    NO adverse side effects

Because essential oils properly applied will always work toward the restoration of proper bodily function, they do not cause undesirable side effects.  They are feeding the body with God made goodness. 
It's your health.  Take control of it
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