Essential Oils are God's pharmacy and I have set out to discover and share everything I can about these amazing NATURAL oils.Please join me on this journey! YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS can and have changed/transformed lives! Please share your personal experiences using Young Living Essential Oils. Your success stories could be the answer someone else is looking for.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Benefits of Oil of Oregano
I have known for a long time that Oregano Oil is good for you but it wasn't until recently I found out how good it is for you! This oil is AMAZING!! We are prescribed antibiotics for an array of different illnesses. Usually a broad spectrum antibiotic. The problem with over use of antibiotics is that is causes antibiotic resistance, destroying good bacteria, reducing vitamin absorption and it damages the digestive lining.
Oregano Oil has NO SIDE EFFECTS! Oregano oil contains two very powerful compounds; carvacrol and thymol. They are powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Carvacrol, the predominant healing compound in Oregano, has been proven to reverse or reduce bacterial infection, fungal infection, parasites, viruses, inflammation, candida, allergies and tumors. There are over 800 studies in PubMed on the healing powers of Carvacrol! That's amazing!! But that's not all. Oil of Oregano has also been proven to treat bronchitis, gingivitis, ringworm, athletes foot, yeast infections, UTI's, toenail fungus and so much more!
I am sold on this amazing. healing oil and I hope you will give it a try the next time you are faced with a viral or fungal infection. God's pharmacy is full of 100% natural treatments that don't have all those nasty side effects of synthetic treatments.
As always use caution when using this and any other Essential Oil. Because they are very potent. You should always read the label and do your own research. Consult your healthcare provider if you are pregnant.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Essential Oils vs Pharmaceuticals
In America we grow up with antibiotics, steroids, Tylenol and many regularly prescribed medicines and really don't give them a second thought before taking them. Over 40% of us don't even read the label. We just trust that they are safe for us to take because we can buy them legally. But what if I told you over 100,000 deaths occur in the US every year from properly prescribed and properly taken pharmaceutical drugs? Would that get your attention?
Our bodies are not able to properly metabolize the unnatural substances made by man in a laboratory. That's why even decades later you can find traces of prescription medicines in your body. What if there was a way to bring about natural healing without the side effect of pharmaceutical drugs? What if you could be in control of your health and wellness with a natural substance without ANY side effects? Would you be interested? I'm talking about Essential Oils. Specifically Young Living Essential Oils.
First let me explain the difference between how pharmaceutical drugs work and how essential oils work. The pharmaceuticals toxify; The unnatural molecules of man-made drugs attach themselves to various tissues, disrupting normal function trying to figure out what to do with them, wreaking havoc with our bodily functions and our minds. Have you ever listened to the side effects disclaimer on a TV ad for a prescription medicine? Scary isn't it?
On the other hand essential oils detoxify our body. They are a natural substance and are easily metabolized by the body. Essential oils address the causes of disease at the cellular level by deleting misinformation and reprogramming correct information so that cells function properly and in harmony with one another.
Toxify Detoxify
Unbalancing Balancing
Clog & confuse receptor sites Clean receptor sites
Depress the immune system Strengthen the immune system
Adverse side effects NO adverse side effects
Because essential oils properly applied will always work toward the restoration of proper bodily function, they do not cause undesirable side effects. They are feeding the body with God made goodness.
It's your health. Take control of it
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Tuesday, March 31, 2015
What Are Essential Oils
Essential oils are nature's volatile aromatic compounds generated within shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. They are usually extracted through steam distillation, hydrodistillation, or cold pressed extraction. The power of an essential oil lies in its constituents and their synergy. Each oil is composed of 200-500 different bioconstitutents, which make them very diverse in their effects. No two oils are alike.
Essential oils are the essence and lifeblood of the plant. They are composed of tiny molecules that can penetrate every cell; crossing the blood/brain barrier and supports our body systems at the most basic level. They are aromatic and healing to the body, mind and spirit.
Not all essential oils are therapeutic grade. Many on the market contain additives and/or chemicals and may contain a small amount of essential oil but have not been processed in a way to guarantee therapeutic constituencies that can truly support our bodies. Knowing how the essential oils are processed and tested are vital information if you want only the highest grade/quality of essential oil for your family.
Young Living Essential Oils are 100% therapeutic grade. They are planted, grown, harvested, distilled and packaged with the highest integrity! The soil the plants are grown in have NEVER been touched by pesticides.....NEVER! Young Living Essential Oils are the only choice for me and my family.
To learn more about Young Living and how to get your very own Premium Starter Kit click the link provided below. Please comment on this blog content so I will know if this was helpful and also which essential oil or topic you are interested in learning more about.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Essential Oils have become a way of life for me in just 4 short months. I am OBSESSED with them to say the least. I have never sold anything before; not Avon, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Scentsy etc. I have used them and I like them but never had the desire to sell them. When I got introduced to the Young Living Essential Oils all I could think about is "I have to share this!" I didn't know anything about the business side of Young Living and I'm glad I didn't because MLM is not something I would normally be attracted to. After spending time on the Young Living website, YouTube and Pinterest in conjunction with using the oils and being engaged with other users/distributors I was even more excited about sharing my new found love!
I keep waiting for an Essential Oil to not work for whatever it is I am using it for but it hasn't happened yet! I'm sure it will but as of today it hasn't. When it does happen it will be okay because just like modern medicine Essential Oils are not one size fits all. Each Essential Oil has many many benefits so if one oil doesn't work I am CERTAIN that another one will.
My favorite oil right now is Progessence Plus. It's actually not an oil but a serum. I had a hysterectomy in November 2013 and was put on synthetic hormones (Estradiol) immediately. We all know the side effects of those, right? (Read the warnings below) Well, after taking Estradiol for 15 months I started using the Young Living Progessence Plus. Three weeks in and so far I have not had ANY hot flashes, night sweats or mood swings!!! I am hooked!!! Progressence Plus has a natural hormone extracted from the wild yam. It also has several essential oils: Copaiba, Sacred Frankincense, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Peppermint, Rosewood and Clove. It also contains coconut oil and vitamin E. Progessence Plus has a very subtle calming aroma to it. It works for me and I will never go back to man made hormones again.
Estrogens, either used alone or with another hormone (progestin), have rarely caused very serious side effects. Discuss the risks and benefits of hormone treatment with your doctor. Estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease or dementia.
Estrogens can increase the risk of cancer of the uterus (endometrial cancer). Taking a progestin as directed by your doctor can help decrease this risk. Tell your doctor right away if you have any unusual vaginal bleeding.
In postmenopausal women, estrogens can increase the risk of cancer of the ovaries, stroke, dementia, and serious blood clots in the legs. Estrogens alone do not appear to increase the risk of breast cancer when used for up to 7 years. Estrogen, when used with a progestin, can increase the risk of heart disease (such as heart attacks), stroke, serious blood clots in the lungs/legs, dementia, and cancer of the breast/ovaries.
The risk for serious side effects may depend on the dose of estrogen and the length of time it is used. Therefore, this medication should be used at the lowest effective dose and for the shortest amount of time. Discuss the use of this medication with your doctor and check with him/her regularly (for example, every 3 to 6 months) to see if you still need to take this medication. If you will be taking this medication long-term, you should have regular complete physical exams (for example, once a year) as directed by your doctor.
So as you can see the side effects can be deadly. The doctor put me on a medication to prevent night sweats, hot flashes and mood swings but can cause OVARIAN AND BREAST CANCER, STROKE, HEART DISEASE, BLOOD CLOTS, HEART ATTACKS!!!!!!! Wow I wish I had known this a year ago!
Sunday, March 15, 2015
What if I told you there is a healthier way to treat every day aches and pains and emotional distress? We all have some type of health issue whether it be digestion, sleep issues, weight issues, skin issues, a disease of some sort. A lot of us have some type of emotional distress in our lives as well. What about anxiety? Our lives are full of stress and anxiety.
I know we can’t remove all of the harmful chemicals from our lives but we can dramatically reduce our intake of them just by replacing routine OTC medicines with Essential Oils. We can further reduce our intake by replacing the extremely harmful chemical laden products we put on our skin every day.
Essential Oils are man’s first medicine. Records dating back to 4500 BC describe the use of balsamic substances with aromatic properties for the religious rituals and medical applications. Frankincense and Myrrh were both given to the Christ child at his birth along with gold because these oils were as valuable and precious as gold. Mary anointed Jesus with Spikenard (a year’s wages) before his crucifixion.
Tylenol’s active ingredient is acetaminophen. Acetaminophen can lead to liver damage/failure. Acetaminophen is the number one cause of acute liver failure in America. So many prescription and OTC medicines contain acetaminophen and 60% of Americans state that they do not read labels. This can lead to accidental overdose which causes liver damage/failure. Accidental overdoses each year result in 56,000 ER visits, 1,600 cases of acute liver failure and nearly 500 deaths in the US every year.
25% of our total blood volume passes through our liver every minute. It’s our largest organ and is essential for life. It produces bile to help absorb fats and fat soluble vitamins. It removes or neutralizes poisons from the blood. It removes germs and bacterial from the blood. It makes proteins that regulate blood clotting.
Toxins, pharmaceutical drugs and parasites contribute to liver problems. Many pesticides, petrochemicals and environmental toxins are potent liver stressors. Parasitic infection can also contribute to cirrhosis.
digestive issues,
essential oils,
liver failure,
premium starter kit,
religious rituals,
wholesale distributor
Friday, March 6, 2015
Premium Starter Kit
I was so excited to get my Premium starter kit and couldn't wait to use the lavender and thieves but really didn't know what to do with the other 8 oils. So......To save you some time here is a quick synopsis of the 10 Essential Oils that come in the new premium starter kit from Young Living. I hope this gives you a jump start into creating a better and healthier life for you and your family. Let's go!
LAVENDER – Called the Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oil’s. Studies show that rubbing on chest or neck
area calms tense muscles and helps improve mood and helps to relieve depression
and anxiety. Helps heal burns, scrapes,
bruises and bumps. This amazing Essential Oil also
promotes tissue regeneration and speeds wound healing. Calms and relaxes, lowers blood pressure and
supports heart health. It is antiseptic,
antifungal, analgesic, anti-tumoral, anticonvulsant, vasodialating, relaxant,
anti-inflammatory, reduces blood fat/cholesterol, combats excess sebum (pores)
on skin.
University of Miami researches found that inhalation of lavender oil increased beta waves in the brain, suggesting heightened relaxation. It also reduced depression and improved cognitive performance (Diego MA, et al., 1998). A 2001 Osaka Kyoiku University study showed that lavender reduced mental stress and increased alertness (Motomura, 2001).
Diffuse with Peace & Calming
for a restful night’s sleep. It can also be a great addition to
any shampoo, soap or bath for a calming effect.
PEPPERMINT – Peppermint is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion. Jean Valnet, MD studied Peppermint's effect on the liver and respiratory systems. Alan Hirsch, MD, studied peppermint's ability to directly affect the brains satiety center, which triggers a sensation of fullness after a meal. It is a highly regarded digestive stimulant. Peppermint has a cooling and soothing effect and helps calm upset stomach, improves
digestion, energy level and focus. Peppermint also reduces
oral bacteria and can be used in toothpaste and mouthwash. It is anti-inflammatory, antitumoral, antiparasitic (worms), antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal.
PURIFICATION- This purifying blend cleanses and
disinfects the air and neutralizes mildew, cigarette smoke and disagreeable
odors. It disinfects and cleans cuts,
scrapes and bites from spiders, bees, hornets and wasps. It is also great for treating acne.
Add to laundry. Use as an odor remover and air purifier. It is excellent for relieving the sting from
bug bites and can be used as a bug repellent. Great for relieving the itch from poison ivy, poison oak and other skin irritants
Ingredients: Citronella, Lemongrass, Rosemary, melaleuca
Alternifolia, Lavandin, Myrtle
LEMON – Invigorating and cleansing Essential Oil which also benefits the
metabolism. It promotes clarity of thought and purpose with a frangrance that is invigorating, enhancing and warming. It is antitumoral, antiseptic, improves microcirculation, immune stimulant, improves memory and relaxation. This Essential Oil is rich in Limonene, which has been extensively studied in over 50 clinical studies for it's ability to combat tumor growth.
It can be used to clear up ear
infections (rub on the outside of the ear).
Can be used as mouthwash. 3-4
drops in a glass of water 3 times a day promotes fat loss. . It’s refreshing and invigorating!
JOY – This is a very beautiful Essential Oil Blend produces a magnetic
energy that brings joy to the heart, mind and soul. It inspires romance and helps overcome
deep-seeated grief and depression. Rub over heart to lift your mood and bring
about a joyful feeling. Improves blood
circulation. Helps relieve menstrual
cramps (rub on stomach with a carrier oil and put hot compress over).
Ingredients: Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Lemon,
Coriander, Tangerine, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa, Rose
PANAWAY – Also referred to as Tylenol in a bottle.
This very popular blend reduces pain and inflammation, increases
circulation and accelerated healing. It
relieves swelling and discomfort from arthritis, sprains, muscle spasms,
cramps, bumps and bruises. It relieves
headaches, muscle pain and arthritis.
Panaway reduces pain and inflammation, increases circulation, and
accelerates healing. It relieves
swelling and discomfort from arthritis, strains, muscle spasms, cramps, bumps
and bruises.
Ingredients: Wintergreen,
Helichrysum, Clove, Peppermint
FRANKINSCENSE – Naturally boosts the immune system. Reduces inflammation. promotes spiritual awareness, meditation and
fitness. Supports brain function. Reduces joint pain and helps relieve stomach
issues. It supports brain development. It
is used for anti-aging. New research
proves it prevents and fights cancer.
Rub 3 or 4 drops on chest and neck to protect you from invading viruses
and other things you might be exposed to. Frankincense is useful for
visualizing and improving ones spiritual connection and centering. It has comforting properties that help focus
the mind and overcome stress and despair.
Frankincense is considered the holy anointing oil in the Middle
East. It has been used in religious
ceremonies for thousands of years. More
recently it has been used in Europe and American hospitals and is subject of
substantial research. Frankincense is antitumoral, immuno-stimulant, antidepressant, muscle relaxing. Frankincense is also a valuable
ingredient in skin care products for aging and dry skin. The Ancient Egyptians used it for
rejuvenation masks.
- #1 Immune booster in the world
- #1 Essential Oil proven to fight cancer and even prevent cancer
- #1 Natural anti- inflammatory in the world
- Frankincense was worth as much as gold at the time of Christ
- Reduces brain inflammation to allow for clearer thinking
- Reduces age spots and sun spots/sun damage
- Reduces scaring
- It can increase spiritual awareness
Melaleuca Alternifolia– Tea Tree Oil - This EssentialOil is a natural cleaner. It
can be used as a disinfectant, to treat skin for minor cuts and abrasions as
well as a face wash to treat acne. It
can be used to disinfect and fight fungus and mold. It is highly regarded as an
antimicrobial and antiseptic essential oil.
It is powerful as an antifungal,
antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory.
It is a natural household cleaner.
Add to toothpaste and shampoo.
THIEVES - This is a most amazing blend of
highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-infectious essential
oils. It was created from research based
on legends about a group of 15th century thieves who rubbed oils on
themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed the bodies of the
dead and dying. When apprehended, the
thieves were forced to tell what their secret was and disclosed the formula of
the herbs, spices, and oils they used to protect themselves in exchange for
more lenient punishment.
Studies conducted at the Weber
State University (Ogden, UT) during 1997 demonstrated the killing power of
these amazing oils against airborne microorganisms. The analysis showed that after 10 minutes of
Thieves diffusion in the air, there was an 82% reduction in the gram positive
Micrococcus luteus organism bioaerosol, a 96% reduction in the gram negative
Pseudomonas aeruginosa organism bioaerosol, and 44% reduction in S. aureus
bioaerosol (Choa SC, et al., 1998)
Ingredients: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus
Radiata, Rosemary
STRESSAWAY - Stressaway is a gentle, fragrant
blend that brings a feeling of peace and tranquility to both children and
adults and helps to relieve daily stress and nervous tension. It helps with normal, everyday stress,
improves mental response, restores equilibrium, promotes relaxation, and lowers
Ingredients: Copaiba, Lime,
Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, lavender
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