What if I told you there is a healthier way to treat every day aches and pains and emotional distress? We all have some type of health issue whether it be digestion, sleep issues, weight issues, skin issues, a disease of some sort. A lot of us have some type of emotional distress in our lives as well. What about anxiety? Our lives are full of stress and anxiety.
I know we can’t remove all of the harmful chemicals from our lives but we can dramatically reduce our intake of them just by replacing routine OTC medicines with Essential Oils. We can further reduce our intake by replacing the extremely harmful chemical laden products we put on our skin every day.
Essential Oils are man’s first medicine. Records dating back to 4500 BC describe the use of balsamic substances with aromatic properties for the religious rituals and medical applications. Frankincense and Myrrh were both given to the Christ child at his birth along with gold because these oils were as valuable and precious as gold. Mary anointed Jesus with Spikenard (a year’s wages) before his crucifixion.
Tylenol’s active ingredient is acetaminophen. Acetaminophen can lead to liver damage/failure. Acetaminophen is the number one cause of acute liver failure in America. So many prescription and OTC medicines contain acetaminophen and 60% of Americans state that they do not read labels. This can lead to accidental overdose which causes liver damage/failure. Accidental overdoses each year result in 56,000 ER visits, 1,600 cases of acute liver failure and nearly 500 deaths in the US every year.
25% of our total blood volume passes through our liver every minute. It’s our largest organ and is essential for life. It produces bile to help absorb fats and fat soluble vitamins. It removes or neutralizes poisons from the blood. It removes germs and bacterial from the blood. It makes proteins that regulate blood clotting.
Toxins, pharmaceutical drugs and parasites contribute to liver problems. Many pesticides, petrochemicals and environmental toxins are potent liver stressors. Parasitic infection can also contribute to cirrhosis.
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